Mental Health Policy


The purpose of this policy is for Quadracon to establish, promote and maintain the mental health and wellbeing of all staff through workplace practices, and encourage staff to take responsibility for their own mental health and wellbeing.

Quadracon believes that the mental health and wellbeing of our staff is key to organisational success and sustainability.


  • To build and maintain a workplace environment and culture that supports mental health and wellbeing and prevents discrimination (including bullying and harassment).

  • To increase employee knowledge and awareness of mental health and wellbeing issues and behaviours.

  • To reduce stigma around depression and anxiety in the workplace.

  • To facilitate employee’s active participation in a range of initiatives that support mental health and wellbeing.


  • This policy applies to all employees of Quadracon, including contractors and casual staff.


All employees are encouraged to:

  •  Understand this policy and seek clarification from management where required.

  • Consider this policy while completing work-related duties and at any time while representing Quadracon.

  • Support fellow workers in their awareness of this policy.

  • Support and contribute to Quadracon’s aim of providing a mentally healthy and supportive environment for all workers.

All employees have a responsibility to:

  • Take reasonable care of their own mental health and wellbeing, including physical health.

  • Take reasonable care that their actions do not affect the health and safety of other people in the workplace.

 Managers have a responsibility to:

  • Ensure that all workers are made aware of this policy.

  • Actively support and contribute to the implementation of this policy, including its goals.

  • Manage the implementation and review of this policy.


Quadracon will ensure that:

  • All employees receive a copy of this policy during the induction process.

  • This policy is easily accessible by all members of the organisation.

  • Employees are informed when a particular activity aligns with this policy.

  • Employees are empowered to actively contribute and provide feedback to this policy.

  • Employees are notified of all changes to this policy.

Monitoring and review

Quadracon will review this policy 12 months after implementation and annually thereafter.

Effectiveness of the policy will be assessed through:

  • Feedback from workers, the Health and Wellbeing Committee (if applicable), and management.

  • Review of the policy by management and committee to determine if objectives have been met and to identify barriers and enablers to ongoing policy implementation.

This policy expresses the ongoing commitment by Quadracon Building Pty Ltd management and staff to understand, regularly review and continually implement these actions.

David Freedman
